About the Immune System Zone

Red and white blood cells. Image source: Wikipedia

The immune system is made up of structures and processes which protect us from disease.

White blood cells are one of the main components of our defense system. They can fight infections using different strategies: some of them recognise and remember the invading germs, and others eat germs up!

White blood cells are produced in our spleen – an organ which filters blood – inside our bones, and in glands spread throughout our body. Do you sometimes get a sore throat when you have a cold? That is because the glands in your throat are producing white blood cells to fight the germ causing your cold!

The five scientists in this zone are looking at how the immune system works, searching for ways to improve it or help it fight unwanted pathogens. There is a scientist designing vaccines to protect us from dangerous bacteria, another one looking at how bacterias can leak from the gut into the blood. There is also a scientist studying the cells that fight against bugs and viruses, and another one using computer models to understand our immune system better. Finally, there is a scientist trying to avoid that our immune system attacks transplant organs.