• Question: Do the pathogens make us more ill than they do to the animals, more, or equal?

    Asked by Vicky to Carmen on 9 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Carmen Denman

      Carmen Denman answered on 9 Mar 2015:

      That is a tricky question, and there are lots and lots of factors to consider Vicky. I will use an interesting example though to show you a case of something that doesn’t make an animal sick, but does make humans sick.

      Campylobacter jejuni is the major cause of food poisoning in the UK and is a very serious gastrointestinal disease (usually we get better after getting Campylobacter, but it is still not fun to get). We catch Campylobacter from uncooked chicken- this bacteria lives as a ‘commensal’ on chickens and doesn’t make them sick at all. If we don’t cook the chicken really well the bacteria living as a commensal on the chicken is still alive, and can make us sick. A lot of researchers are interested in what makes us and the chickens so different that they don’t get sick but we do. Interesting stuff!!
      Carmen 🙂
