• Question: do you reckon than in the future, if the immune system (and us humans) evolve. we will lose our orifices so that bacteria wont be able to enter us too easily. and instead will we breath through our skin or something like that?

    Asked by sparkels to Carmen, Laura, Steph on 19 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Stephanie Dyson

      Stephanie Dyson answered on 19 Mar 2015:

      No, most entry points for bacteria have protection against them (mucas in the nose/throat etc) so we have already evolved to take on bacteria entering that way.


    • Photo: Carmen Denman

      Carmen Denman answered on 19 Mar 2015:

      Hi! Interesting ideas there in that question. Steph is right though, our mucous membranes and ciliates cells and even hair on our body work to trap and clear away infections before they really set in. However, I won’t disclose that someday wayyyyyy in the future humans might evolve to breath throug skin! It is just I don’t think that would be a prime evolutionarily advantage, you don’t see it much in the present animal kingdom as a tactic.


