• Question: How are viruses destroyed?

    Asked by saakva to Carmen, Laura, Steph on 19 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Stephanie Dyson

      Stephanie Dyson answered on 19 Mar 2015:

      The body produces lots of chemicals that make it hard for the virus to survive because they can’t eat or breath or reproduce. The chemicals are produced by a whole range of cells that travel to the infected area after receiving signals from cells that eat bacteria and viruses on entering.


    • Photo: Carmen Denman

      Carmen Denman answered on 19 Mar 2015:

      Hi there!
      virus when they enter our body via various routes (injection, inhalation, ingestion) are detected by our bodies as “foreign” material. Our immune systems if they are in good shape react quickly to prevent virus from taking hold and using the host cells to replicate. Virus thankfully can’t live long outside a host which is why most virus must be passed through direct bodily fluids contact or aresol inhalation. They are a varied group of organisms and incredibly diverse.nthere are even viruses that specialise in infecting bacteia! They are being looked at as a new therapeutic for some diseases.
