• Question: How does the immune system fight disease?

    Asked by Maria Altarriba to Carmen, Daniel, Laura, Noel, Steph on 16 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Noel Carter

      Noel Carter answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      The immune system is made up of cells that recognise bacteria and viruses and some of our own cells that have stopped working properly and they work together to destroy them

    • Photo: Carmen Denman

      Carmen Denman answered on 17 Mar 2015:

      Yep, exactly, but don’t forget fungi, worms, other parasites! Those can make us sick and our bodies are actually able to rid themselves of some of these. I work at a tropical disease center so I am constantly attending lunch time seminars about worm infections! Amazingly it doesn’t put me off my food 🙂
