• Question: What can we do to prevent problems in our immune system?

    Asked by blancavalero to Carmen, Daniel, Laura, Noel, Steph on 9 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Carmen Denman

      Carmen Denman answered on 9 Mar 2015:

      Hi blancavalero,

      Some problems you can’t foresee and prevent – for example genetic disorders. Leading a healthy lifestyle and not being too ‘germ-a-phobic’ (google hygiene hypothesis) might be a bit of a help.



    • Photo: Laura Garcia Ibanez

      Laura Garcia Ibanez answered on 9 Mar 2015:

      Hello Blanca!
      I totally agree with Carmen. Healthy lifestyle might help to keep our immune system ready to action. Cheers! 🙂

    • Photo: Noel Carter

      Noel Carter answered on 9 Mar 2015:

      Despite all our increased knowledge of genetics there is nothing better than eating lots of fruit and vegetables, drinking plenty of water and exercising.
