• Question: What characteristics in one's body causes a weaker immune system?

    Asked by Pravi29 to Carmen, Laura, Steph on 19 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Stephanie Dyson

      Stephanie Dyson answered on 19 Mar 2015:

      Being overweight or smoking weakens the immune system. Also people who train too hard at the gym or with sports can weaken their immune system too!


    • Photo: Carmen Denman

      Carmen Denman answered on 19 Mar 2015:

      Hi Pravi,
      Great question. Several things could predispose people to having a weakened immune system. Like Steph pointed out, obesity (and all the complications that go along with obesity such as heart disease, diabetes) contribute to a weak immune system. For example, a medic friend of mine routinely sees skin infections and cellulitis in her obese patients. Being diabetic on its own actually for u know reasons dramatically reduces immunity capacity. Certain genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis, or chronic granulomatous disease, also predispose people to poor immune function. However, the really worst thing to have is an autoimmune disease, where your body starts attacking itself for some reason, like with rheumatoid arthritis.

