• Question: What is an autoimmune disorder?

    Asked by 454sysb37 to Carmen, Daniel, Laura, Noel, Steph on 11 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Carmen Denman

      Carmen Denman answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      Autoimmune disorders arise when our adaptive immune responses detect our own ‘self’ antigens as bad and turn against them, causes inflammation, tissue damage, etc…

    • Photo: Noel Carter

      Noel Carter answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      Autoimmunity is when are immune system gets confused an attacks ourselves. A common autoimmune disease is Psoriasis. This is where you get thick flaky skin. Immune cells move into the skin and trigger an immune response that causes the skin to grow more rapidly than normal so it thickens. At the surface it dies off, dries and becomes flaky. It is also very itchy because the underlying skin is inflammmed and puffy.
