• Question: What is our immune system most sensitive to?

    Asked by Patricia Call to Carmen, Laura, Steph on 19 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Stephanie Dyson

      Stephanie Dyson answered on 19 Mar 2015:

      I think everything!! It doesn’t matter if it is bacteria, viruses or fungi, the immune system can recognise and respond to them all!


    • Photo: Carmen Denman

      Carmen Denman answered on 19 Mar 2015:

      Hi! Excellent question. Some bacteria/virus/parasite/fungi could be classified as more immunogenic than others, but at the end of the day they each have differing strategies for making their host Ill. One thing a lot of bacteria are coating in that really makes a strong immune response is something called the ‘lipopolysaccharide’. Google it, it is a powerful immunogenic tool used by bacteria!

      Also, allergens like pollen or a bee sting can elicit an incredibly strong and fast immune response. Think hay fever season and instant watery eye onset, or the need for an epi pen due to someone in anaphylactic shock.

      A variety of things, not just one, to choose from!

