• Question: Which is the hardest disease to cure in the immune system?

    Asked by Maria Altarriba to Carmen, Daniel, Laura, Noel, Steph on 10 Mar 2015. This question was also asked by Pablito.
    • Photo: Carmen Denman

      Carmen Denman answered on 10 Mar 2015:

      Hi Maria,
      I would say tuberculosis but there are others that are way at the top of my list!

    • Photo: Noel Carter

      Noel Carter answered on 10 Mar 2015:

      Without treatment HIV-1 virus is very difficult for the immune system to cope with, but modern drugs can give people a fairly normal life. I agree with Carmen tuberculosis is very difficult to treat. The standard antibiotic treatment is 6-9 months of three different antiobiotics, but some strains are becoming resistant and this doesn’t work.
