• Question: Why is glass see-through?

    Asked by Ellz to Carmen, Daniel, Laura, Noel, Steph on 16 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Stephanie Dyson

      Stephanie Dyson answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      This is a difficult question for me to answer!!! It is something to do with the electrons in glass been very far apart so they can’t absorb photons from light as it passes through it making it see through. We only see things because we see light bouncing off them so if the light isn’t captured by the object as is the case with glass we will see whatever the light bounces off instead (which is whatever is outside the window)

      This really is more of a physics question but have given in a go 🙂


    • Photo: Noel Carter

      Noel Carter answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      Well done Stephanie- beyond my knowledge of physics too

    • Photo: Laura Garcia Ibanez

      Laura Garcia Ibanez answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      Yes, this is a difficult question for me too! Well done Steph!
